
| U.S. States and Territories | Don’t leave us a loan: Wisconsin’s efforts to end student debt crisis | Wisconsin is not immune to the student debt crisis either. Our state ranks 21st for average student loan debt at $29,569. Sixty-four percent of Wisconsin students have some sort of debt, ranking us sixth in the nation, according to the Institute for College Access and Success. Continue Reading


| International |

SDGs ‘not attainable without contribution of HE’, UN told | None of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs – the internationally agreed framework for tackling poverty, inequality, disease and climate change – can be achieved without the contribution of higher education through research, teaching and community engagement. Continue Reading


| International |

The Bologna Process needs to go back to basics | After 20 years of policy coordination in Europe, there is a need to re-think the main paths forward. In going forward we need to clearly address the fundamental values of higher education: academic freedom, institutional autonomy and how we contribute to the public good.Continue Reading