Cover | Outsourcing Student Success

One hundred years have passed since the founding of the Bureau of Institutional Research at the University of Illinois. If the UI bureau and University of Minnesota bureau are the origins of institutional research, the California higher education system demonstrated its power and relevance to statewide planning. While the politicalContinue Reading

Cover Subtitle | Outsourcing Student Success

Now available on, Outsourcing Student Success, the first independent scholarship on the one hundred year history of institutional research in higher education. Colleges and universities have engaged in a bewildering succession of reform efforts to improve institutional performance and student success in higher education since the 1960s, with littleContinue Reading

Figure 4 | Percentage of Adults Age 25-34 with Tertiary Education (OECD)

Institutional researchers oversee a bounty of information stored in student information systems and enterprise resource planning systems of colleges universities. Yet, there is little guidance to enable IR practitioners to collectively organize their respective institutions into a large array for the systematic measurement of student success and “what works” inContinue Reading