
International Higher education and the new doctrine of vocation | [A] detailed report published this month by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)…investigates “the relationship between the extent to which a subject is vocational and the employment outcomes of its graduates”. HEFCE, which draws on data released lastContinue Reading


International The Data-Enabled Executive: Using Analytics for Student Success and Sustainability [ACE paper, Dec. 2017] | Like it or not, colleges and universities are facing considerable threats to their continued existence, and the pressure to use data will only grow from this point on. Leaders will need to be wellContinue Reading


International Trump’s bigotry – The role of African intellectuals | The role of African academics and intellectuals on the continent and in the diaspora in strategically countering the prejudice and misinformation about Africa on the part of leaders such as United States President Donald Trump cannot be overemphasised. Higher educationContinue Reading


International Progress in higher education hampered by poor schools | There is no dearth of demand for higher education in India. In fact, the share of the population enrolling on higher education courses in the country is higher than that in other countries with comparable levels of development. But theContinue Reading


International Manuel Castells – Inspiring fundamental change | Building on the scholarly contribution of great thinkers like Humboldt and Clark Kerr, Castells analyses the evolution of the four key functions performed by universities. The first one is ideological, reflecting the traditional role of transmitting the values that help legitimise theContinue Reading