
International Study identifies key challenges for foreign students | Nearly half of international students who return to their home country after graduation cited visa-related and work-related issues as the primary reason for returning, according to a new report on the career prospects and outcomes of international students. Taking HE forwardContinue Reading


International Do Student Loans Kill Dreams? | Higher-education institutes (HEIs) across Ireland are facing a major funding crisis. The Cassells’ report, published in March of last year by an expert group, concluded an increase of €600 million in funding annually would be needed by 2021, and a further increase ofContinue Reading

Outsourcing Student Success

International Universities recommit to STEM mandates | Facing tight economic conditions, Zimbabwe’s science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, universities are grappling with a long-standing government directive to revert to their core mandate of teaching mainly science-related courses. What are QA bodies doing to tackle academic corruption? | A groupContinue Reading

International Does higher education contribute to rising inequality? | [T]there is no denying the fact that in both Britain and America social mobility has actually been falling over the same period that higher education has been expanding. Internationalisation of HE needs to be replaced | International scholars have been floggingContinue Reading


International Telangana: Why The Crisis In Higher Education Cannot Be Ignored Any More | Out of the 2,753 posts for professors, assistant professors and associate professors, 1,249 posts are filled and the others remain vacant. Out of the 11 universities, only Telangana University and Open University have recruited for moreContinue Reading