
International Tertiary enrolment exploding but benefits vary – OECD | Tertiary enrolment is expanding rapidly, with very strong returns for individuals and taxpayers, but new evidence shows that universities can fail to offer, and individuals fail to pursue, the fields of study that promise the greatest labour market opportunities, accordingContinue Reading


International Tempest in the rankings teapot – An African perspective | It is that season when ranking entities announce their ‘findings’ on the comparative stature of the world’s universities. As usual, the ‘premier’ universities remain at the top and the rest are relegated to the bottom – African universities inContinue Reading


International Student accommodation crisis: our school-leavers deserve better | The receipt of an offer for a college course should be a time of celebration for school-leavers. Instead, students planning to study away from home are facing into a period of stress and uncertainty. Protecting the Integrity of Nigerian University AdmissionsContinue Reading


International Taking a closer look at student attrition and migration | A recent survey which found that more than 50% of South African students felt they were not prepared for the transition from secondary school to tertiary education has highlighted ongoing debates around the causes of South Africa’s student attritionContinue Reading