Figure 4 | Percentage of Adults Age 25-34 with Tertiary Education (OECD)

Institutional researchers oversee a bounty of information stored in student information systems and enterprise resource planning systems of colleges universities. Yet, there is little guidance to enable IR practitioners to collectively organize their respective institutions into a large array for the systematic measurement of student success and “what works” inContinue Reading


International Education at a Glance 2016: OECD Indicators (510 pages) | Education at a Glance is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world. It provides key information on the output of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; the financial and human resourcesContinue Reading


International DA Says Zuma And His ‘Dubious Characters’ Must Pay For Tertiary Education | Political parties have raised concerns over government’s inability to resolve student fee crisis faced by the SA tertiary institutions for the past 10 months. Rich should pay‚ while poor should be funded for higher education: MosenekeContinue Reading


International Group Unveils a ‘Model Policy’ for Handling Student Data | An ad hoc group of academics, tech-company executives, and policy makers convened earlier this summer to identify the ethical norms colleges should use in handling the reams of data they’re increasingly accumulating about their students’ lives in and outsideContinue Reading


International The revival of polytechnics | As African countries prepared to gain independence in the 1960s, each one started to establish a national university. Mauritius, a small island with a population then of barely three quarters of a million, was no exception. Universities facing serious financial crisis | Kenya’s universitiesContinue Reading