Figure 3 | A Formula for Accountability

“For the latter challenge, the National Research Council’s (NRC) statement on scientific research on education expects no less: the research process itself is “highly contested territory,” often producing equivocal and non-durable results, explored via multiple methodologies, and clarified in periodic “syntheses of research findings…” (2) Understandably, the organization and integrationContinue Reading


International Professional service staff feel ‘undervalued’, study suggest | Professional support staff’s crucial role in improving student outcomes is often overlooked by senior management, a study claims. University rankings ignore teaching | Over the past decade, the major and unhelpful intrusion into both the national and the international worlds ofContinue Reading


International Report finds little evidence for the benefits of for-profit higher education outside the UK | A report published today by the Centre for Global Higher Education shows that the growth of the private higher education sector, especially the for-profits, has led to few improvements in the quality of provision.Continue Reading

Figure 1 | A Formula for Student Success

[W]e wished to recover the thoughts of early practitioners who – with an intellectual freedom and honesty to consider the possibilities of institutional research at its origins – recognized the need for an authentic institutional research apparatus to empower a scientific community for the study of higher education settings. InContinue Reading


International The Time to Reform India’s Education System is Now | The writing is on the wall. India’s higher education system is in crisis and everyone is paying a hefty price for it: students, parents, industry, society and the nation. Looming crisis over university student fee hike plan | Kenya’sContinue Reading